Tổ chức IPADE Việt Nam cần tuyển kỹ thuật viên cho dự án cải thiện điều kiện vệ sinh và cung cấp nước, làm việc tại Lào Cai, Lạng Sơn và đi công tác Hà Nội theo yêu cầu.
Hạn chót nộp hồ sơ: 10/9/2011.
Thông tin chi tiết như sau:
IPADE Vietnam is looking for 1 full-time professional to ensure technical assistance in the Identification and Formulation process, Implementation, further Monitoring, and Technical Assistance of its Water and Sanitation Projects with Environmental approach in Lao Cai and Lang Son provinces in 2011-2012
– Support the identification, formulation and implementation process of IPADE ?s Water and Sanitation programs with environmental approach.
– Support the processes of participative evaluation and analysis of vulnerable mountain population of Northern Vietnam concerning water supply, sanitation condition and environment protection.
– Actively participate in the identification and design of IPADE’s new intervention strategy in Vietnam from 2011 onwards.
– Design the water supply and sanitation projects having in consideration the relation with the environment when supplying water, good hygiene and environmental practices, environment education and promotion of environment responsibility in the working areas.
– Analysis of projects’ technical and financial viability, regarding mainly the technical and social matters of water supply and sanitation systems projected with the local governments, having in consideration the relation with the environment when supplying water, good hygiene and environmental practices, environment education and promotion of environment responsibility in the working areas.
– Design, support and implement training activities of promoting the water management groups at communal level, having in consideration the relation with the environment when supplying water, good hygiene and environmental practices, environment education and promotion of environment responsibility in the working areas.
– Design, support and implement training activities in the same issues related above to the workers of the governmental agencies which IPADE work with. These activities are going to be identifying jointly with them, depending on the analysis of weaknesses they have.
– Active support in project’s issues: designing and writing activities, writing of narrative report, justification, logical framework matrix, workplan and budget design, according to AECID norms and regulation and IPADE strategy and philosophy.
Support and ensure the follow-up of IPADE ?s Water and Sanitation programs with environmental approach:
– Ensure a technical and operative support of IPADE’s partners (Vietnamese NGO ?s and local governmental agencies).
– Analysis of project’s budgetary performance.
– Follow-up and monitoring of activities and results in the field through frequent visits to the communes in Lao Cai and Lang Son provinces (or any other province according to needs and opportunities).
– Follow-up of the construction of the water systems in the rural communes and fluent communication with the companies encharged to solve the arisen dificulties and problems.
– Translation from Vietnamese to English and from English to Vietnamese of reports and communications between IPADE and its local partners if necessary.
– Write and submit to IPADE Coordinator the report of all Water supply and Sanitation programs and projects in Vietnam.
– Relation with the local governments and to represent IPADE when meeting and working with them, especially PCERWASS at, provincial, district and communal level.
– Continuous evaluation, quality control and monitoring of IPADE ?s Water and Sanitation programs, under IPADE Coordinator supervision
Coordination with IPADE staff:
– Participate; coordinate, collaborate with the personnel in IPADE.
– Support the companions of work when necessary.
– Explain to the IPADE Coordinator the arisen problems in the execution and the solution’s proposals regarding the responsibilities of the job.
– Work to maintain a good working atmosphere.
– Support and work together with the Technical Assistances which can be contracted by IPADE to ensure the quality and sustainability of the projects.
Hierarchic and functional relations:
– The direct responsible will be the IPADE Coordinator, based in IPADE office in Hanoi, who will do the follow-up and supervision of the Water and Sanitation technician in all the tasks of planning and accompaniment of the activities in execution, and whom the Technician of Water and Sanitation will inform about the work that he/she realizes.
– The Water and Sanitation Technician reports to IPADE Coordinator.
– The Water and Sanitation Technician doesn ?t have any IPADE ?s worker in charge.
Location: Lao Cai, at PCCERWASS office. Visit zones of intervention, mainly in Lao Cai, but also in Lang Son. From 10 to 20% of time work in IPADE office in Hanoi.
Duration: until December31st 2011 with possibilities of renovation.
– Vietnamese national
– Engineer of Hydraulic Engineering
– Knowledge of water resources management with good environmental practices criteria
– Experience as trainer in construction, management and maintenance of rural water supply and sanitation systems
– Experience in analysis weaknesses, design strategies and activities to solve those weaknesses in topics related to water supply, management of water systems, sanitation, environmental education, good hygiene and environmental practices.
– Sound experience of work in mountain ethnic minority areas of Vietnam
– Knowledge and experience in communication and community social work, especially in ethnic minority areas of Vietnam
– Willingness to travel frequently to project implementation areas in remote villages of Northern Vietnam and stay for periods of some days or weeks during the implementation, monitoring or evaluation activities
– Interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills
– Good knowledge of English, both spoken and written
– Proven computer skills (MS Office, Autocad and/or other technical programs related to water supply and sanitation systems)
– Master degree or equivalent in rural development, cooperation, with good understanding of economic, gender, and social development in rural areas, would be an asset
– Knowledge and experience of gender approach in water supply and sanitation projects would be an asset
– Experience of monitoring and evaluation of cooperation programs in Vietnam would be an asset
– Good capacity of management and planning of the work
– Experience and interest in working in NGO for Development
– Spanish language would be a great asset
– Contract until December 31st 2011 with two months of test.
– Renovation for the year 2012 if a good evaluation of the performance is had
Please send detailed CV in English before the 10th of September to:
IPADE Vietnam – S? 10D, Ngõ 11, Ph? Tây H?. Hà N?i
Or by e-mail to: vietnam@fundacion-ipade.org
Only a short list of applicants shall be contacted for interview.