Hội trại Thanh niên và Biến đổi khí hậu châu Á Thái Bình Dương

Từ 03-06/11/2010, Mạng lưới Thanh niên bản địa châu Á Thái Bình Dương (APIYN) sẽ tổ chức Hội trại Thanh niên và Biến đổi khí hậu châu Á Thái Bình Dương tại Phillipines. Hạn nộp hồ sơ đăng ký là 30/08/2010.

APIYN is a network of over 22 indigenous youth organizations in the Asia-Pacific region. The Network aims to contribute towards building the capacity and self-confidence of the indigenous youth in the Asia-Pacific region through providing systems of information, training, exchange and networking. It seeks to mobilize the catalytic role of the indigenous youth in developmental efforts by facilitating the exchange of ideas, analyses, and experiences, which they in turn can contribute and share with their indigenous communities.

In November 3-6, 2010, APIYN will organize an Asia Pacific Climate Youth Camp to be held in Baguio City, Philippines. This event will bring together 60 indigenous youth leaders from at least 12 countries in Asia and Pacific regions to discuss their situations and concerns in relation to climate change, and formulate strategies for their engagement in COP16 of the UNFCCC, parallel activities of civil society and social movements and beyond.

The main aim of the Climate Youth Camp is for the participants to understand and take action on climate change as an issue of Indigenous rights/self-determination. The Climate Youth Camp will encourage a “learning through sharing” environment on the specific concerns of the indigenous youth regarding climate change and their crucial role on this issue. Specifically, the activity intends to:
1. Provide a forum for indigenous young leaders in Asia and Pacific to raise their awareness, discuss their concerns and formulate a common position in relation to climate change and the role of the new generation for environmental sustainability;
2. Surface specific concerns of indigenous youth on climate change and proposed mitigation and adaptation from their perspectives;
3. Formulate strategies for greater participation and visibility of youth in official meetings of the UNFCC and parallel activities of civil society and social movements; and
4. Strengthen solidarity and advocacy for the recognition of human rights and indigenous peoples rights in the climate change debate and in response to the climate crisis.

In line with this, we wish to invite you to attend the Asia Pacific Climate Youth Camp in Baguio City, Philippines in 3-6 November 2010. There will be a US$ 200 registration fee to cover partially the food, accommodation and kits for the participants. Discounts will be accommodated for individuals who will register before August 30.

We offer limited full or partial scholarship for travel but we encourage everyone to source out funds to support your travel expenses. To apply for this support, please indicate it in your registration form and attach a support letter from your organization and/or community.

To register, please fill up the attached registration form and send it to apiyn@apiyn.org not later than 30 August 2010.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Niña Camille Pacial
Secretariat, Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network (APIYN)
Telefax: (+63) 074 446 21 06
mobile: (+63) 923 705 85 68