Chương trình Phát triển Liên Hợp Quốc (UNDP) đang cần tuyển 02 cán bộ tư vấn. Hạn nộp hồ sơ: 16/03/2010. Thông tin chi tiết như sau:
1. 01 Consultant for the Law on Gender Equality (GEL)
The UN in
Under the guidance of the MOLISA Programme Management Unit (PMU) and UNDP, and in close consultation with the General Statistics Office (GSO) and the JPGE Gender Specialist, the selected international and national consultant(s) (hereafter called the Consultant) will carry out the following tasks:
• In close consultation with concerned ministries and mass organizations, and based on key functions and responsibilities of each institution, identify and agree on all areas of work on gender equality to be monitored, evaluated and reported on, including in the 8 fields specified in the Gender Equality Law
• Based on the areas identified above, identify indicators for monitoring and evaluating GEL implementation in consultation with stakeholders.
• For each indicator in the list above, identify:
– Data gaps: which data are already available and which data needs to be collected by reviewing existing data.
– Current and potential sources of data.
– Current and ideal/suggested frequency of data collection including a plan for supplementary data collection to provide a better view of the situation
– Relevant duty bearer responsible for collecting and reporting data.
• Develop a draft M&E framework including indicators, reporting mechanisms, and responsible parties identified above
• Review and validate M&E framework including areas to be monitored and evaluated, selected indicators at a consultation workshop (s) (the workshop will be organized by MOLISA with technical support from UNDP)
• Design reporting format (s) and reporting channel (s)
• Based on the inputs from the above-mentioned workshop (s), finalize a draft M&E framework
• Pilot/test the draft M&E framework and system to improve/finalize it before official launch by MOLISA.
2. 01 Consultant for the Law on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control
The UN in
The overall objective of the assignment is to design a feasible Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system based on the needs and functions of the duty bearers in implementing the Domestic Violence law and evaluating its outcome/impacts.
To achieve the overall objective, this assignment can be described in the following steps:
· Based on key functions and responsibilities of each institution, identify all areas of work on domestic violence prevention and control to be monitored, evaluated, reported to the government
· Based on all areas of work identified above, and taking into account MOCST’s DV data collection activities in provinces, develop a list of indicators for monitoring law implementation and outcome evaluation
· Identify data collection needs, data sources, data collection/update mechanism and frequency of data collection etc. (including a plan for supplementary data collection to provide a better view of the situation) for those indicators, and suggest reporting mechanisms by stakeholders for impacts evaluation
· Map out reporting channels and design reporting format(s) for data collection including all requirements as mentioned above
· Support SMA in testing the reporting channels and reporting formats.
Full solicitation documents can be obtained by visiting UNDP website at:
Please submit your technical and financial proposals in “pdf” format to:
Le Tuyet Sinh (Ms.)
Tel: (84) 4 39421495 Ext. 291
Submission deadline: 16 March 2010, 17.00 hours. Ha Noi time