Chương trình quốc tế EarthRights của Mekong School là chương trình đào tạo thường niên cho sinh viên trong lĩnh vực bảo vệ môi trường và quyền lợi con người, thuộc vùng sông Mekong, gồm các nước Trung Quốc, Lào, Myanma, Campuchia, Thái Lan và Việt Nam. Khóa học kéo dài 7 tháng, từ tháng 6 đến tháng 12 mỗi năm. Hiện nay, Mekong School đã bắt đầu nhận đơn cho chương rình năm 2009. Hạn cuối nộp hồ sơ là 10/03/2009. Thông tin chi tiết như sau:
EarthRights International’s Mekong School is a unique training program for activists from the Mekong Region whose work focuses on environmental issues and human rights. The seven month-long training program uses experiential learning methods to equip participants from the region with the skills required to conduct research, gather data, and effectively campaign around environmental issues affecting the region. The training takes place in Chiang Mai , Thailand from June to December of each year. Housing, transportation, and a modest living stipend are provided to successful candidates.
The Mekong School curriculum focuses on the impacts of large dams, plantations, mines, infrastructure projects in the Mekong region. The program provides students with the skills needed to voice their individual and collective concerns about large-scale development projects in the Mekong basin. Graduates of the program form a strong network of environmental advocates who, together with their respective
communities, campaign for greater public participation and transparency in development planning.
The goals of the Mekong School session are:
• for students to understand both the negative and positive impacts of current and past international financial institution, government and privately-funded development projects and how communities in the Mekong region and nearby countries have responded;
• to develop students’ knowledge and practical skill base in research, advocacy and campaign work; and
• to develop strong relationships, networks and concrete campaign plans for implementation upon graduation and return to respective countries.
The training program is divided into three months of classroom instruction and field visits followed by a two month practicum during which participants return to their home countries to conduct research and documentation work on key projects. After the practicum, participants return to the school for a two month session focussing on media messaging, advocacy and campaign planning.
The deadline for applications is March 10 of each year. For more information and an application form, please contact the Mekong School Coordinator at