Học bổng The Robert S. McNamara tài trợ cho những nhà nghiên cứu trẻ đang làm việc trong các học viện và viện nghiên cứu ở những nước đang phát triển. Thông tin chi tiết như sau:
The World Bank Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program
Application 2008-2009
The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program provides support to young researchers working in academic and research institutions from developing countries, and preparing a doctoral thesis in a subject related to development. Research grants cover residence costs in a university or research center in a member country of the World Bank other than the home country or country of residence of the candidate. Fellowships are awarded for a period of five to ten months and must be completed between July 2008 and June 2009. The maximum amount of the grant is US$25,000.
Application forms and Information about the application procedure are available on the World Bank Scholarships Program website: (http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/WBI/EXTWBISFP/0,,menuPK:551559~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:551553,00.html). Completed application packages must be received in Washington, D.C., by March 31, 2008. The awards will be announced in June 2008.
Correspondences and information requests may be sent to:
The World Bank
Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program
MSN J2-204
1818 H St. NW
Washington DC, 20433, USA
email: rsm_fellowships@worldbank.org
fax: (202) 522-4036